AHO Podcast

AHO Podcast

Architecture students, at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO), Viktor Nordheim and Tord Mardoff Nielsen will talk to guests about the values of aesthetics. Discussing the nuances of aesthetics and the processes of the design and preservation of the built environment.


Aesthetics as a Design Tool | Zaha Hadid Architects
How is aesthetics integrated as a tool in processes surrounding architecture? And how do we understand the term itself? In this episode we are joined by Daniel Fišer, senior associate at Zaha Hadid Architects. We talk about the work processes at Zaha Hadid Architects, and how their work has evolved, and how aesthetics tools are integrated in their buildings. We talk about the combination of analogue and computational tools and how this is applied in projects.

Hosts: Viktor Nordheim and Tord Mardoff Nielsen
Music: Benjamin 'Bosse' Krogh Kiønig
Release date
Om Tidligfase og Arkitektens Rolle | Statsbygg
Hvor eksisterer estetikken i de byråkratiske prosessene? Og i hvor stor grad tas avgjørelser om estetikk i tidligfasen av prosjekter? I denne episoden snakker vi med Hege Maria Eriksson, direktør for rådgivning og tidligfase i Statsbygg. Vi skal snakke om estetikk i tidligfase, hvor arkitekten kommer inn i bygnings prosjektene i offentlig sektor og hvordan de kan posisjonere seg.
Verter: Viktor Nordheim og Tord Mardoff Nielsen
Musikk: Benjamin 'Bosse' Krogh Kiønig
Release date
Om Boliger og Hjem | Studentsamskipnaden i Oslo (SiO)
Hvor ligger distinksjonen mellom en bolig og et hjem? Hva er noen av vurderingen som ligger bak SiOs prissetting på boligleie? I denne episoden snakker vi med Birte Almeland, Eiendoms direktør, og Gunn Kirtsi Løkka, Boligdirektør i SiO. Vi snakker om SiOs kjerneverdier, økonomien i forvaltning og utvikling av boliger, samt over til hvordan Samskipnaden ser tilbakemeldinger fra sine beboere.

Verter: Viktor Nordheim and Tord Mardoff Nielsen
Musikk: Benjamin ‘Bosse’ Krogh Kiønig
Release date
The Preservation of the Old American Embassy in Oslo | Jorge Otero-Pailos and Erik Langdalen
Preservation is often strongly related to aesthetics, but what does the aesthetics represent? We talk to Jorge Otero-Pailos and Erik Langdalen about their work on the old American embassy in Oslo. The building was originally designed by Eero Saarinen, and is now being redeveloped. Erik and Jorge have been working on the facade of the building particularly. We talk about how you preserve, or restore, a facade that has deteriorated over time, what are the considerations you need to take and what problems do you face?

Hosts: Viktor Nordheim and Tord Mardoff Nielsen
Music by: Benjamin Krogh Kiønig
Release date
Bonus clip: The Preservation of the Old American Embassy in Oslo | Jorge Otero-Pailos and Erik Langdalen
An extra take-out from our conversation with Jorge Otero-Pailos and Erik Langdalen! We continue the conversation in the direction of how political intent and necessity over time creates tension, and how these tensions can be interpreted and considered.
Release date
Samtale om Byen | Janne Wilberg og Kirsti Skulberg
I denne episoden snakker vi med byantikvar Janne Wilberg og interiør arkitekt Kirsti Skulberg. Vi snakker om identitet i byområdene i Oslo. Selve byen og bevarings tanker, og det estetiske i dette. Samtalen beveger seg også innom bærekraft, og bestandighet i materialer. Hva må vi fokusere på i utviklingen av byen?

Verter: Viktor Nordheim og Tord Mardoff Nielsen
Musikk: Benjamin Krogh Kiønig
Release date
Urbanism and Aesthetics | Nordic Office of Architecture
How aesthetics fits in at large scale planning, and how master plans work as frameworks for the city. In this episode we are talking to Diana Cruz, head of urban design at Nordic, and John Arne Bjerknes, head of living design. We are discussing their work in urbanism, and how they work with master plans and responding to needs that are coming. 

Hosts: Viktor Nordheim and Tord Mardoff Nielsen

Music by: Benjamin Krogh Kiønig 
Release date
Season 1 Announcement 
In this first season of the AHO Podcast, we will be exploring the values of aesthetics within architecture and the built environment. We will talk about how it impacts different parts of the processes in the design and preservation of architecture. 
Hosts: Viktor Nordheim and Tord Mardoff Nielsen
Music by: Benjamin 'Bosse' Krogh Kiønig 
Release date